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Costa Mesa, CA

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Handle Candles

Handle Candles by Rae in Huntington Beach, CA and Costa Mesa, CA

- Massage Treatments to Your Needs

- Professional Sessions Only

- Certified Kinesiologist

- Esthetician Certified

- Microneedling Facial with Hyaluronic Acid Mask and Eye Treatment

- Lymphatic Drainage Sinus Facial

- Bio-Photon Facial

- Ultrasound Facial

- Hydrating Oxygen Facial

- 12+ Years of Experience

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Now Featuring Handle Candles by Rae

KinetixCa is now featuring handle candles by Rae. These organic coconut soy wax crystal candles are poured with positive karma and love and come in various cup styles. Featured candles include the gold Moscow mule and crystal tea cup. Presented candles come in three aromatics:

  • Eucalyptus-spearmint
  • Rosemary-sage
  • Jasmine-honeysuckle

Light these candles with a special love in your life or just take some chill time for yourself. Either way, these candles will add some new love and positive karma to your life. Call (657) 286-7880 today.

Add Positive Karma to Your Life

Call Today

(657) 286-7880

(657) 286-7880

Get an additional 10% off when you set up an appointment through text today & mention the phrase Entire Body Framework

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