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Costa Mesa, CA

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Post Lipo Treatments

Post Lipo Treatments in Huntington Beach, CA and Costa Mesa, CA

- Massage Treatments to Your Needs

- Professional Sessions Only

- Certified Kinesiologist

- Esthetician Certified

- Microneedling Facial with Hyaluronic Acid Mask and Eye Treatment

- Lymphatic Drainage Sinus Facial

- Bio-Photon Facial

- Ultrasound Facial

- Hydrating Oxygen Facial

- 12+ Years of Experience

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Post Tummy Tuck Services

Introducing our post liposuction lymphatic drainage services at KinetixCa. This progressive treatment will speed up the healing process after BBLs and 360s. This method is highly recommended by plastic surgeons. Lymphatic drainage post liposuction is known to boost the immune system and help fight off fluid build-up. This greatly reduces any chances of infection. Call (657) 286-7880 today to book an appointment.

Allow Us to Perform Targeted Massage Services to Increase Blood Flow

Call Today

(657) 286-7880

(657) 286-7880

Get an additional 10% off when you set up an appointment through text today & mention the phrase Entire Body Framework

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